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Obtaining Volunteer Clearances


We encourage parents/family members to chaperone field trips! For the safety of the children all volunteers must have their clearances. There are 4 clearances (FBI fingerprinting, state clearance, child abuse clearance & NSOR = National Sex Offender Registry clearance).  Details for obtaining each clearance are listed below.  There is a fee for the FBI clearance ($21.85?) but the rest of them are free for volunteers. The state requires that we have the FBI clearance for DHS not Dept of Ed, so clearances obtained through the school will not be accepted. 

The clearances have been coming back quickly, but if you are planning on going on the field trips these should be completed ASAP.

For the FBI fingerprinting check please go to:

Enter the Code = 1KG6ZJ

Click on "Schedule or Manage Appointment"

Make an appointment and go for fingerprinting. The E-town library is the closest place to go for fingerprinting.


For the NSOR (National Sex Offender Registry) Clearance:

Please complete the NSOR application and e-mail it to


For the State Clearance: (or search if the link does not work)

Click on "New Volunteer Record Check"



For the child abuse clearance:

Electronic Submission
The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (Certification) can now be submitted online through the Child
Welfare Solution (CWIS) self-service portal. This certification is FREE for volunteers.
In order to submit your application online, you will first need to establish a KEYSTONE ID.

1. Access the self-service portal at (or search child abuse clearance pa if the link does not

work).  You can also access the portal using a link provided under “RESOURCES”, “GET A CLEARANCE” on the Pennsylvania government website,
2. In the Child Welfare Portal window, click “CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT”
3. You will be presented with a welcome page. Please read and then scroll down and click “NEXT”
4. Complete all fields requested. You will also be asked to set-up 3 security questions and answers that
will be used in the event you forget your password.
5. Click “FINISH”

You will then receive two emails: (1) confirmation of the Keystone ID that you selected, and (2) one that
contains your temporary password. Upon receipt, return to the self-service portal at in the Child Welfare Portal window, click “LOGIN”. You will be asked to enter
your Keystone ID and temporary password. You will then be prompted to set up a new password.
Once you have your Keystone ID and password created, please refer to the following instructions to assist you
with the electronic submission of your child abuse application.

1. Access the self-service portal at using your Keystone ID and password
3. Read the Getting Started information page and then click “BEGIN”
4. Select appropriate APPLICATION PURPOSE
a. All volunteers must select “VOLUNTEER HAVING CONTACT WITH CHILDREN”
Please Note: If you incorrectly select a different APPLICATION PURPOSE first and then click the
correct one for volunteers, YOU MUST DELETE THAT APPLICATION AND START OVER! If you
do not delete and re-start the process, YOU WILL BE CHARGED A FEE!
5. Once you select “VOLUNTEER HAVING CONTACT WITH CHILDREN,” you will be asked for the
6. You will then be asked for AGENCY NAME. Enter “Kinderhook Early Learning Center, LLC” in the provided box.
7. Click “Next”
a. Enter all required fields; this includes providing previous names/nicknames and contact
9. Enter CURRENT ADDRESS; CLICK “NEXT” once complete
a. Please note, electronic results of this clearance will be available through your PA Child Abuse
History Clearance Account; however, you are also given the option of receiving a paper version
of your clearance certificate.
10. Enter all PREVIOUS ADDRESSES since 1975; click “NEXT” once complete
11. Enter HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS with whom you have lived with since 1975; click “NEXT” once complete
12. You will be provided with an APPLICATION SUMMARY. Carefully review the information you entered
and edit if necessary; click “NEXT” once complete
13. Complete the e-SIGNATURE; CLICK “NEXT” once complete
14. You will then be presented with a question asking if you were provided a code for your application as a
a. Answer “NO” to the question
16. You have successfully completed the process if you receive a “SUBMISSION CONFIRMATION” page
17. Make sure you click “LOGOUT” when you are ready to leave the website
You will receive two e-mails (if you provided an e-mail address during your application submission.) The first
e-mail will confirm that your application was successfully received. The second e-mail is notification that your
application was processed and your results are ready to be viewed.
To review your results electronically, access the self-service portal at Log in
using your Keystone ID and password. As you scroll down the page, you will see your e-Clearance ID number
and below that, a green icon stating that “Your Application Has Been Processed.” Click where indicated to
access your paper certificate. Print out two copies: one to submit to us and the other for your

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